| Coffee Stained | m o r n i n g style


about this ugly weirdo

hey, i have a lotta nicknames like mickey n' mymy, so feel free to call me whatever(: i come from the le and tran family... asian n' 100% vietnamese(: i don't hate on you so let's not hate on me, kay?? well, i love my family(: i have a lil bro n' a lil sis too(: they're so ADORABLE but they're rlly naughty... that's not like me at all loll(: jaykay... friends make me smile n' i'd appreciate it if you became my friend too(: i love sports ((no football, sorry)) and SHOPPING is definitely considered a sport...loll(: imma big fan of Big Bang n' DBSK. G-Dragon is the cutest!! loll(: i was born in the year of the wise Rat (1996) so let's see if we're compatible haha :D imma Sagittarius, i love whipped cream and strawberries... asian food is the BESTest... poems are beautiful n' songs are life stories(: love is still a mystery to me n' i don't plan on uncovering it soon bcuz i understand that i can't go out looking for love. it'll find me;) n' besides, i'm too worried about school loll(: i hate math just as much as you, but imma keep excelling in it till i go to a good college and get my life straight(: if ur funny, you should add me bcuz i could rlly use a laugh(: but i hate it when ppl just make fun of stupid things... it gets OLD, don't ppl understand that? haha~well, i don't quite know what else to say, so PEACE!!! &&love<3 (:
Darkest depths of my soul Slowly being destroyed by your chemical. I'm tired of being alone Last love has turned my heart cold as stone. Trust, love, and faith all thrown back in my face I'm such a fucking disgrace. You dont deserve the comfort of my love And I didnt deserved to be punched, pushed, or shoved. Did I even mean anything to you? Or was I just a toy for you to subdue? I dont know anymore the real me When I look in the mirror I cant understand what and who I see. You've sent me back to the way I use to be Cold hearted, bitter, and inside angry.


bold italic underline strikethrough link

What do you do when the one who broke your heart is the only one who can fix it?

smile for me(:



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About Me

Name M. Tran
Gender Female
Ethnicity Asian
Interested in Men
Interests singing, dancing
Music big bang, dbsk


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Registered Aug 2, 2010
Last update Aug 2, 2010

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